When I come home this morning I thought I would share what I see on my morning walk.

But first must make a coffee. OOPS! That's not my cup.
Coffee in the sugar bowl.
On arrival it is often still dark.
As we are walking along the sun is rising. What a glorious sight.
There is a lot of bird life on the estuary.

Beautiful Black Swans.
I counted 15 but could not get a good photo of them all.
An Ibis that seems to live there most of the year.
Can you see the Heron sitting on the rail???
The ocean over the sand dunes is where we swim in the warmer weather.
Driving home all the paddocks are lovely and green after some rain. The sheep love it and now all the new lambs are arriving too.

Home Again!!!
And for some reason it has taken over two hours to do this post as the photos would not behave.