
Friday, July 26, 2024

The week that was!

I spent many hours sitting outside on the patio in the sun stitching my #1 challenge. ( nearly done ).

Finished cutting all the pieces for hubby’s quilt and bagged it up ready to put in my retreat box.


Also spent some time tidying the cupboard in the Cave and found a lonely Churn Dash block , pieces of wadding ( which I joined) and made a bag. 
I’ll donate it for the raffle they do at croquet each week.

Must away now and do housework 🀨

Happy Stitching,

Hugs Maria πŸ’–

Saturday, July 20, 2024


As it was the third Friday of the month time to join Wendy for FNSI…..

In the afternoon I worked on Anni Downs BOM “Sunshine ☀️ and Lollipops 🍭 “ 

Ready to take to retreat next month…

Then cutting a scrappy quilt for hubby , also to take to retreat.

And in the evening I sat and stitched some more hexies for the #1 Chookshed Challenge.

Must away and get ready for bed…..

Happy stitching 🧡 

Hugs. Maria πŸ’–

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Blocks and progress on #1.

I’m  all caught up with my Birthday Laundry Basket blocks ( till Tuesday ).

The Aqua/Teal RSC blocks,

Log Cabin 

And my Dragon

Aussie Hero blocks….

And it’s good to have the first sets of four joined into the first row of  #1 Chookshed Challenge .

Must away and put the kettle on for a cuppa while I stitch some more hexies.

Happy Stitching

Maria πŸ’–

Saturday, July 6, 2024

FnwFs for July !

JULY!! Already , this years flying by so quickly. 
As I was in Geraldton most of the day I didn’t get a lot done for FnwFs but I did enjoy sewing along with Cheryll and friends and do some of my EPPed La Passacaglia done.

Today is a sad day for me as we will be celebrating the life of my dear friend Jean. We’d been friends for more than 23 years Enjoying Tuesday night cards games , long visits ,trips to the movies  and over past couple of years we would have our Saturday morning coffee and chat . Miss you my friend πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

Must away and get organised.

Happy Stitching 🧡 

Hugs. Maria 🌷

Monday, July 1, 2024

July Chookshed Challenge is


Thanks Deana. After checking my list I see # 1 for me is the “Baby Hexie Quilt.

All these hexies were made on our many road trips years ago and most are put together with an embroidered hexie.
Hope to get it made at least into a flimsy.

Must away ,running late for croquet.

Happy stitching 🧡,

Hugs MariaπŸ’•

Friday, June 28, 2024

# 10 Chookshed Challenge.

And what a challenge it was for me . I did the stitchery for the lid some time ago and then it was put aside. So when Deana asked the Zoom ladies to do a challenge this year by picking 10 projects for us to work on I put Lynette Anderson’s sewing box on my list….. 

Making the 1 1/2” hexies and sewing them onto the side panel was the nice relaxing part BUT putting it all together sure was challenging…… 
I don’t like putting in zips and this was one had to go into a round lid !!!!!!! Then sourcing some template was a challenge but did manage to find some eventually ..So tah dah!!! # 10 Challenge completed…. Not perfect but done…..

Thanks heaps Deana without the challenge this sewing box would never be completed and now I can gift to my GD … looking forward to seeing what our No will be for July….

Must away and have my late breakfast ….

Happy stitching 

Hugs. Maria πŸ’–

Sunday, June 23, 2024

FNSI for June

Thanks Wendy for getting us together for another FNSI…. After catching up with the Laundry Basket blocks again, ( Tuesdays come round so fast ). 

I sat and hand stitched all the 1 1/2” hexies onto my # 10 Chookshed Challenge.
It’s all done and yesterday I got them sewn onto the bottom of the basket and put zipper onto lid…sorry no pics …
Now I need to buy some plastic template for the inside. So far had no luck….

Must away now as the sun shining and I’ll get the trailer onto the quad to pick some fallen tree branches .

Happy Stitching , Hugs Maria 🌷