After spending a busy but lovely a week in Perth I arrived home again today.

Love the cute little tin I received from my DD2,

Ohhh!!! Look what is inside.
Perfect to snack on while we play Banana grams.
Saturday we went to watch my GS2 receive his Yellow Belt Certificate in Karate. It was celebrated with a Chinese Dragon Dance.
GS2 is forth from right.
We went to see "Toy Story" which we all really enjoyed.
Kids just cuddling under a quilt watching TV. While DD2 and I were playing more Bananagrams.
Of course we also went shopping. I just had to have these fabrics.
Look at the cute owls. I hope to make a Baby Quilt out of these fabrics.

These are just because.
Now I am off to bed.
Have to get back into sewing tomorrow.