Finished another of DD UFOs.. she had completed the lovely stitchery and everything was there to make the bag….
just needed to cut out the fabrics and put the it together..
Love it….
Made 6 new place mats before my visitors arrived earlier this month.
Used a Jelly Roll “Bee my Honey” by Moda.
I was very happy to have completed my Great Grandson Marcus’s Quilt which I will give to him on Monday..
PsssssT !! last time DD was here for a visit I popped a box with one of my UFOs in her car before they left.. LOL….
My “ Kaleidoscope Quilt”
be nice to see it finished as it has been cut up ready to sew for many years…..
I look forward to stitching along with everyone for FnwFs tomorrow night and I think I will also join my Northern Hemisphere friends on Saturday….
Hugz Maria