Since being home I have completed three of my Stitcheries for Sept OPAM. Peg and Kris do a great job keeping us on track each month.
1….You can see “Santa’s Workshop” HERE.
2….and it was lovely to put together Jenny's free BOM "Vintage Kitchen"
Thank you Jenny for your lovely design…..
3….next was the binding on “The Festive Season” by Hatched and Patched.. A longgggg table runner.
Thanks Fiona….
and look what arrived in the post…..
These beautiful goodies from Cheryll as I was the lucky winner of last month’s gift for FnwFs..
Sew don’t forget to pop over to Cheryll's for this months FnwFs this week…. You may be the lucky lady who wins this month…..
I enjoyed playing with my scraps and make some QAYG blocks for Jan…..
and some “ Quilt Blocks to Heal Violence”
You can read more over at Jo's…….
and of course there is lots of secret sewing because I have joined both
Cheryll's Santa Sack Swap
and Chooky's SSCS this year…

Guess what I will be working on for FnwFs ??????
Hugz Maria