
Sunday, September 8, 2019

FnwFs and Journey Home

It was lovely to sit and stitch along with the ladies for FnwFs Friday evening..  As I still have two projects to finish for our Quilt Hanging it was great to do some work on both as  I have my two machines set up..

The little Janome for straight stitching to attach the second flying geese border to my "Land Down Under"

one more small border and then ready to sandwich..

The Bernina for quilting,

I did a lot of ditching on My Small World before going to bed....

Don;t forget to pop over HERE to see what the ladies  have done....
Thank you Cheryll for putting up the linky even though in are across the other side of the world..

Now onto the rest of our Journey....

After leaving Bunbury we went to Busselton to ride the train along the lonnnnggggggggest jetty...
Some thing that was on my bucket list...

Can you see the end of the Jetty way in the distance?

then onto Nannup overnight , the little main street was lined with a beautiful display of Tulips .

Lacy doesn't like her photo taken...

We strolled up and down the street and had a coffee here...
In the morning we packed up after brekkie and on the road again stopping overnight in Brookton before the rest of the journey home through driving rain.. Only wish it would go over to the other side of Aussie too!

On our trip we did see lots of beautiful scenery

Forests of tall trees 

Fields of Canola and Wheat

and ofcourse Sheep as far as the eye can see..

I also managed to sew these

So even though our holiday was cut short we did see a lot and enjoyed our time away...

Must away now as the washing machine is beeping....

Happy stitching 😊

Hugs Maria  


  1. Those tulips are beautiful! Ours are only just emerging from the ground at the moment.
    The train to the end of the jetty looks like fun.

  2. You got lots done Maria on Friday night. The tulips you saw look beautiful. Your hexies are lovely too. We have had a fair bit of rain too, I was wishing it up north today too!! Looking forward to see your quilt finished on both quilts.

  3. Great pictures of your travels and nice work for FNwF. xx

  4. Multitasking in the cave there... pressure is on. Lovely seeing part of your trip... I haven't heard of that long pier where you went on the train... what fun.. Yes please blow us some rain....

  5. Love the pics of your trip Seems like you had a lovely time
    Great idea to have the two machines set up Does that mean you got twice the stitching done ? lol

  6. Looking forward to seeing your finish! I shan't show hubby that train or I shall be headed across the Nullabor before I turn around lol! Loved seeing your pics xx

  7. Looks like you had a productive night, Maria. Lacy looks lovely there beside the tulips. The train sounds like a fun thing to do. xx

  8. Beautiful!! That train ride would be on my bucket list too!

  9. Hi Maria
    Glad you enjoyed your road trip to the SW... looks like you got all the seasons along the way... hope the van leaks are not too troublesome to fix. The Nannup flowers look fabulous.
    Your Scrappy Sheep quilt finished up so beautifully, I love it, well done!
    Great to catch up on a few of your recent blog posts!
    Anthea x


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