
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Out in the Sunshine, some partying with Chooky and OPAM for May

It was such a beautiful morning that I went for a longer walk along the beach and then sat at the seaside cafe with the ladies till  10.30 am.

As I drove home I had to smile as someone decided that this was the perfect place to put their cross trainer... Must say it is a amazing view.....

when I got home I played with this quilt getting it ready to put under the machine to quilt.

I needed to stretch for awhile sew I had lunch . Then I went out on the block and planted some bulbs around a few trees and did a bit of raking.....

must say the help wasn't much good.  Lacy spread the leaves as quickly as I raked......

after dinner and House Rules I did a little quilting....

Thanks Chooky for inviting me to party with you and all the ladies....Will pop over here and see what others have made through the week.....

Now for my small finishes for May's OPAM....Thank you Peg and  Kris for keeping me on track each month........

1.....    I finished the last of DDs  UFOs . A cute Candle Mat. 

and you can see my other finishes in the previous post.

6  Toilet Bags  and 2 Stitchery Rolls........

and now for bed  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hugz  Maria

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Friday and Saturday with Chooky and Friends

I got organised early Friday afternoon to join Chooky   for her Chookshed Party...

First I got my postcard made for my Swap with Sheila.

sorry that's all I can show you.....

Next I got  my homework done for our Bargello workshop next Saturday.....

cutting all my strips ready to sew...

Then it was time to pick up DH from the RSL and have some dinner....

Afterwards I cut and made 6 Toilet Bags to send to Fiona..

before I knew it it was 1.30am.. Time to got to bed.......


After a sleep in, brekky,  and  lovely walk along the beach  I got organised to sew a few Stitchery Rolls..

Time for lunch and a break.....

No 2 ......

They took longer than I thought but decided I would make another for the gift box until 

I cut it on the fold instead of the open edge  

Sew it's time to quit, write this post and off to bed.....

Hugz  Maria.....

P.S..Blogger still not letting me use Windows Live Writer..   :( 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Party and Nice Mail

Chooky has invited us to join her in celebrating the Chookshed's third birthday. Sew pop on over and join in the fun.

get your projects ready for a weekend of sewing . Let the family know they will need to get their own dinners as you will be busy. :)

On my return from the city there was a parcel waiting for me from Wendy .... I was the lucky winner of this month's FNSI..

Thank you Wendy for the two lovely patterns designed by Jenny....

Hugz Maria.

P.S..  I have been trying to post since last night using Windows Live Writer BUT for some reason Blogger won't let it publish... :(  Is anyone else having this problem????

Sunday, May 17, 2015


It is always nice to get organised for FNSI with Wendy and all our online friends..

First I made this small bag

Cleo's Cotton Reel Bag

for these…

then finished the 5th block for My Vintage Kitchen BOM from the lovely Jenny.


Found the blue gingham in my stash and I like it with the blocks..

next the 4th block for Snapshots -Quilt-A-Long.

4 Snapshot block

I think this little guy needs eyes !!!

Then off to bed…

woke to a wet and miserable day, great to hide in the cave. Spend hours ironing my scraps


and cutting them up for 9 patch/snowball blocks 


and strips to put into a box for the Piñata blocks


In the evening I joined my Northern Hemisphere friends and make some 9 patch/snowball blocks and the 5th Snapshot Block…


By the end of the evening my 5th Snapshot Block was complete

5 Snapshot block

and I had enough blocks to do a few more rows for the scrappy quilt.

Thank you Wendy for two productive nights of sewing with friends… Will go see what others have been doing in the next few days….

Hugz  Maria Smile

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

FNSI and Still Playing

with these…..


I  joined Terry in February for the 9 Patch / snowball SAL… would you believe I had actually run out of 2 1/2”squares sew have had to cut more… This quilt will be for hubby and likes them long to use on his chair sew I still have to add a few more rows….

I have signed up with Wendy for FNSI and hope to add another row or I may do something different…Don’t forget to pop over to Wendy’s and sign on too for a fun night of stitching.

Hugz  Maria. Smile

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother’s Day

Tomorrow is “Mother’s Day” in Aussie (not sure when others celebrate this special day) sew I would like to wish all MUMS a Very Happy Mother’s Day…….


Hugz  Maria Smile

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May Blocks

I am sew pleased that I continued with these blocks. In the beginning I didn't really like the needle turn but I was determined to keep going in the SAL.. Now I actually enjoy stitching the blocks and I’m very happy at how they are coming together ..



I did change two of this month’s a little. Just had to give the butterfly fillers and did another square instead of an initial..

Hugz  Maria  Smile

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Double FnwFs ….

Last night I got all the essentials organised early ready to stitch along with Cheryll and others for FnwFs…..


First I wanted to make the block for my  partner in the  Aussie Block Swap.  She chose a “Texas Star”….  I didn't realise it would take all night….Lots of reverse sewing and No 1 going in the bin. I finished one BUT I am still not happy..


Sew tonight I decided to join the ladies in the Northern Hemisphere and just do some hand sewing….


Have completed my first block for May in Chooky’s  SAL.   Sew relaxing and there was a soppy movie on too “Dear John”….

Thank you Cheryll and I will be seeing what others have sewn for FnwFs soon..

Hugz  Maria Smile