I was very pleased with myself and managed to only buy a few things.

Some nice FQ's

Lovely stitcheries with the cutest clay buttons

And was thrilled with my ric rac and ribbon.
Could have bought the whole store.
After putting all the things back in my bag I realised my little purse with my stash money was missing. We looked everywhere and turned everything inside out but NO the purse and the $100 was GONE!!
So we decided that we would go back to the craft show again in the morning and ask if anyone had handed in my little purse. With no name on it just my $100 inside!!!!
With the bill paid and the car packed we drove down to the Convention Centre. Found a park and went inside to the counter marked " Enquires"
I explained to the young lady about me loosing my little purse. "And what colour was it " she said etc.
I am sure you could have knocked me over with a feather when she handed me my LITTLE PURSE and with my $100 inside. I was sad when she told me the kind person who had handed it in did not leave their name. I would have loved to have thanked them personally.
There are still lots of nice folk!!!