
Sunday, September 3, 2023

FnwFs for Sept...

As it was the first Friday of the month I joined Cheryll and friends for FnwFs... I made an early start  to get Chain Links quilted .  

I decided to quilt in the ditch and after a couple of hours turned it over to check the back....

Oh NO!!!!! it had puckered in a few places so had to do a lot of reverse sewing and re pin....

As it was getting late I called it a night.

Saturday was a busy day as I had to sell raffle tickets at the local IGA for our quilt raffle , then coffee with my dear friend , home for some lunch and some more quilting and then back into town for more raffle ticket duty...

This morning I decided to have a break from the never-ending quilting and put a binding on my GGS's "Minecraft " quilt... Now only needs a sleeve to be ready for the Quilt Hanging....

Must away , make a cuppa and back to the quilting....

Happy Stitching 

Hugs Maria ❤


  1. Great Minecraft finish. So annoying about the quilting, hope it's going ok now. Saturday certainly was a busy day! xx

  2. I do have to say quilting is a good 'teacher of patience'--- but those 'boo's' do slow us down and gives us a chance to relax???? Both projects are looking sweet--and have fun with the raffle ticket selling--hugs, di

  3. I feel your pain with the reverse sewing. If I find a problem I am so annoyed with myself for not having checked that all was going right earlier. Fabulous work on Minecraft.

  4. Love the minecraft quilt. Bright & cheery.

  5. Frustrating when that happens and reverse quilting is not much fun at all.... love the minecraft quilt and hope lots of tickets got sold...

  6. Oh dear how frustrating. Hope you got it all sorted. Your minecraft quilt looks great.

  7. You've been busy, Maria... a shame you had to unpick some of the quilting - hope it all goes well from here on! Your minecraft quilt looks great!

  8. Sorry to hear you had to unsew, most frustrating - hopefully it behaved better next time! The minecraft quilt is wonderful.

  9. Unquilting is no fun!!! Love your Minecraft Quilt. It turned out so well.

  10. Those darn puckers that sneak up on us when we do home machine quilting. Good you could get on top of it before it went too far.


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