
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Churn Dash SAL

In May Chooky invited us to join her in a Churn Dash SAL . We were to make 8 blocks a month over four months making 32 blocks for a nice size quilt put on point....


June blocks......

July blocks....

Then at the beginning of this month I sewed up a storm and made 14 more blocks...

As our Patch group was going to our annual retreat in the Big Smoke thought if I make 2 more blocks I could make the flimsy ...

Sorry Chooky for going ahead of the others but it was good to have lots of room to lay out the blocks and have the ladies to help.....

The local craft shop is having a mark down sale @ $10 a mtr and I was lucky to find the perfect fabric with just  3.6 mtrs left, enough to half and sew together for the right backing....

Now to get it sandwiched to take to the quilter....

Look forward to seeing what all are up to in the SAL

Thanks Chooky for organising us..

Must away and bring in the washing,

Stay safe and happy stitching,

Hugs  Maria ❤



  1. This is just beautiful Maria! Christine xx

  2. Your quilt is beautiful. Love the colours.

  3. Looks fantastic all together! Great bargain for the back, too.

  4. You are fabulous at stitching this block. So many pretty colours and fabrics too.

  5. For not really knowing where the churn dash blocks would take you--you have done a great job in getting them sewn and into a top--way to go, girl!!
    hugs, di

  6. Beautiful quilt top Maria and a great score finding the backing. I'm looking forward to seeing all of these come together.

  7. Love it! I still have to make my August blocks, and hope to get to them next week. I'm using hubby's shirts, and really like my blocks so far. Enjoy your retreat!!

  8. love your churn dash quilt Maria.... looks sooooo good...

  9. Oh WoW... I love this version. It's awesome Maria... well done...xox

  10. Beautiful quilt top Maria, good idea to take advantage of the space when you can get it. Great bargain with the backing.

  11. You have done an amazing job on setting out those blocks.

  12. Havent you done well with your churn dashes

  13. Well done Maria on getting all your blocks made and your quilt top made. A good idea to do it when you were at retreat when you had more space and some helpful opinions! Well done on the fabric find for the backing too!

  14. Lovely quilt top, and the backing was a lucky find.

  15. oh it looks great Maria........what a find for the backing........good to take the opportunity to use the extra space..........

  16. Love your churn dash quilt, and great backing


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