
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Thank Yous and Finally.

Over the past few days some lovely cards with cute Christmas Ornies have arrived sew a big THANK YOU to my blogging friends





and Di  from the US.

and I've finally got the Christmas stuff from the top of the lined cupboard ( I'm finding it hard being all happy and gay when sew many are suffering , especially the folk who have lost loved ones and everything through the terrible fires. )

I've sent a parcel and helped pack up 5 huge plastic crates with quilts, Christmas stockings and toys etc  from the folk of the Midwest to these wonderful ladies

sew I need to unpack my box of memories to hang in our Christmas tree as my DD and family will be coming to spend Christmas with us...

Does anyone recognise any of the Ornaments in there ???   :)

Must away and make a cuppa and start hanging them....

Happy Stitching

Hugs  Maria ❤


  1. Looks a little like my box of gifted goodies. We are so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of very generous and caring crafters.

  2. Lovely box of tree memories--and I have 3 of yours from your header!!! and I love everyone of them--so here's a hug for you---hug!!!
    have a fun week--luv, di

  3. I have a box of the same memories... isn't it FuN to look at them while hanging them up.
    Merry Christmas Maria...xox

  4. what a lovely selection of ornies you got.... a tree full of memories is wonderful. so hard for many others.....

  5. Wonderful box of Christmas memories Maria. It is hard to celebrate when you know what is happening to other families, but enjoy having your family close. Merry Christmas.

  6. Your generosity will be appreciated by many. Enjoy your family Christmas.

  7. Merry Christmas, Maria, to you and your family.

  8. You've had some lovely mail. I recognise quite a few ornaments there as I have the same ones. They are certainly lovely to have. Merry Christmas to you and your family Maria. xxx

  9. Some lovely decorations Maria. It is very sad. Some wonderful treasures in your box. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones Maria xx

  10. Merry Christmas Maria and a Happy and safe New Year.
    How lovely of you to donate to the fire victims - its a terrible time..esp here on the east coast - although there are fires everywhere.
    I recognise a couple of those ornaments too - I love my sewing friends decorations.

  11. What a generous thing to do for the fire victims. Hope you and your family had a great Christmas x


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