
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Spare Room

is full of I received the numbers to pin on DD and my quilts.


DDs are folded and packed into the bag ..will fold all mine in the morning to deliver them all to Patch ..... Shirley is our lovely member who has organised the catalog, the numbers and will be in charge of getting over 200 quilts etc hung on Saturday ready for the show on Sunday.... 

Then I will get the room ready for my GC who will arrive with my DD on Thursday...
Will be a fabulous weekend with family and friends..

Hugz. Maria 😘


  1. yay! it's finally almost here! I can't wait to see pictures

  2. I wish I could come to the hanging! Such fun. And I know a lot of hard work leads up to it. Soon you can just sit back and enjoy. Take lots of pictures for us!!

  3. ENJOY!! Sounds like it will be a great weekend!

  4. Have a great weekend and enjoy seeing all those quilts hung......

  5. Looks like you are ready to go for the quilt show, have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Great amount of quilts to be shown off. Have fun

  7. Hi Maria sounds like an awesome time planned,wow thats a lot of quilts,cant wait to see the pics my friend xx

  8. O, what an exciting time ! I cannot imagine hanging two hundred quilts-Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOO and LOOKING at two hundred quilts - that would be an awesome day. I hope you guys have tons of fun!!!!!!!!!

  9. Sounds like a great quilt show...enjoy

  10. Lots of quilts on the go, enjoy and have lots of fun with your special visitors.

  11. Nothing nicer than a quilt show - we all await lots of photos.

  12. how wonderful... I wish I was close enough to come and play too!

  13. Sounds like things were well organized , I hope your show went well and that you will share some pictures of the event. Enjoy your time with family .


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