
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mid month update.

I’ve been busy making 1 1/2” hexies for my #10 Chookshed Challenge with Deana…. Only two more sets to go and I can stitch them on and start to work out how to assemble the sewing basket ! 🀞

Must away and get to the shop…

Happy stitching 

Hugs. Maria πŸ’–

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Finally ( long post )

I can do an updated post after having NO internet or phone connection for over a week.  I did join Cheryll and friends for June FnwFs  and made my Aussie Hero Blocks and the Angela’s RSC blocks for June.

During the week I completed the second Giraffe πŸ¦’ quilt …

Put together leftover and orphan blocks into 3 different sized quilts . 

The one on the left I have gifted to a croquet friend needing a snuggle quilt.

The next two will go in my donation box.

I was also able to spend a lot of time working on my # 10 Chookshed Challenge cutting glueing and sewing many 1/2” hexies for the sewing basket.

Plus I did some mending and took up a couple of pairs of jeans, all had been shifted around the Cave for a long time. 

Also enjoyed a couple of games of croquet in the sunshine between our wonderful 112ml of rain .
Happy dance as our tanks are now full and all the farmers are happy too.

 Do I thank Telstra for all the time not spent on my iPad or phone ??? Or has it taught me lesson not to spend so much time on devices…..

If you read to the end thanks you , must away now for some lunch and off to croquet…

Happy stitching.

Hugs Maria πŸ’–

Thursday, June 6, 2024


has this week gone???  Every day I was going to post what my # 10 Chookshed Challenge is and now it’s Thursday night and I still hadn’t done so before I’m off to bed I’ll post.

It’s Lynette Anderson’s sewing basket. I started on the  stitchery a few years ago and would pick it up and work on it at different times so that is done.

I’m pleased this is my # 10.Would be great to have it done by the end of the month!

There are approximately 120 1/2” hexies to be made to go round the basket so lots of cutting and glueing to be done.

And before Tuesday comes round again I’ll post Laundry Basket blocks 

# 22

And # 23

Must away now and also snuggle up under a quilt like Lacy and listen to the lovely rain filling our tanks while nodding off to sleep.

Happy Stitching 

Hugs Maria πŸ’