
Monday, May 27, 2024

Filling in time

While I wait for the next Chookshed Challenge number drawn by Deana for June. 

I looked through the boxes on my shelf I found some more orphan blocks to play with

and in the cupboard there were two pieces of fabric I could use for backings.

So my challenge is to make a flimsy that will fit these backings??

Oh and I see when I popped over to Angela’s blog the colour for June’s RSC is  BLUE. Another dig in the fabric box and found some blues…

Must away now, go to the shop the before some playing in the Cave and then off to croquet….

Happy stitching 🧵 
Hugs. Maria 💖



  1. RSC colour already??? yay

    where do these orphan blocks come from?? LOL

  2. Will be interesting to see your orphan blocks flimsy.

  3. Well done with pulling your fabrics. You’ll have them done in no time.

  4. Good luck with your challenge and enjoy. xx

  5. Looks like good fabric pulls and will be waiting to see what becomes of them?? I finished my Chook project for May yesterday and will be doing a post later today with that and a couple other finishes and a new start!!
    Have fun sewing and with friends--hugs, di

  6. Looks like you're good to go.

  7. Wonder how the orphan blocks will turn out? I'm sure you have a grand plan for them.

  8. You are so creative at making use of your orphans...good luck with your blues. Hope you enjoyed your croquet xx

  9. The pig fabric is so darn cute!! Those orphans will find home in no time!

  10. You have been finding fun treasures in that cupboard - I always think you make lovely things with your left over blocks...

  11. You always find something to pull together....


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