
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Chookshed Challenge #5

Time to post my #5 Chookshed Challenge which is a Baby Quilt made with 1930s fabrics….

Thank you Deana for organising this challenge and I look forward to the next No…. 

Happy Stitching 

Hugs   Maria 🌷🌷

Monday, May 27, 2024

Filling in time

While I wait for the next Chookshed Challenge number drawn by Deana for June. 

I looked through the boxes on my shelf I found some more orphan blocks to play with

and in the cupboard there were two pieces of fabric I could use for backings.

So my challenge is to make a flimsy that will fit these backings??

Oh and I see when I popped over to Angela’s blog the colour for June’s RSC is  BLUE. Another dig in the fabric box and found some blues…

Must away now, go to the shop the before some playing in the Cave and then off to croquet….

Happy stitching 🧵 
Hugs. Maria 💖


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Working on

my # 5 Chookshed Challenge .sewing on the binding ,

And when I finished that I made the 6 1/2 “ block  #21 of the Laundry Basket Birthday quilt.

And I’m pleased to have the second Giraffe 🦒 
Quilt sandwiched and now pinned. 
It will be the next project under the machine.

Must away now and pop down the shop.

Keep well and Happy Stitching,
Hugs. Maria. 💖

Saturday, May 18, 2024

FNSI for May

I always enjoy my FNSIs with Wendy and friends . The plan was to quilt the 1930s baby quilt as it’s my #5 Chookshed Challenge for May BUT I was sidetracked when I opened a box and found this.


Some left over blocks from an earlier quilt I made for my GGD ( you can see it HERE ) 

I only needed to make a few more blocks and I’d have another donation quilt.

So the baby quilt was left hanging over my chair while I spent time sewing the new blocks and getting the top together.

All done, now to find a backing so I can sandwich and pin ready to put on the quilting pile.

Huge thank to Wendy for organising us for FNSI even though she wasn’t well. You can see what other’s did by popping over HERE.

Now I must away service my machine and QUILT the 1930s baby quilt .

Happy Stitching,

Hugs Maria 💖

Friday, May 10, 2024

Getting all my Blocks done.

Before working on the two baby quilts I have in progress I made my weekly/monthly blocks.

First I’ll catch up on the Laundry Basket Birthday Blocks.

Block 17

Block 18.

The RSC blocks with Angela this month is PINK ,

The log cabin block and my little dragon.

Last are the Aussie Hero blocks.     

Must away as I need a coffee after doing this post. Blogger was not being helpful.

Happy Stitching
Hugs Maria🩷

Saturday, May 4, 2024

FnwFs for May

I made an early start for FnwFs and cut all the blocks for the 1930s baby quilt ready to sew when I join my friends . Managed to get it sewn into a flimsy ,sandwiched and pinned ready to quilt. A real bonus when joining my virtual friends as well a get together with friends here…..

As I didn’t take my machine I decided to trace the Giraffe 🦒 ready to make the next baby quilt.

Big thank you to Cheryll and my friends for a successful fun sewing time.

You can pop over HERE to see what others did for FnwFs

I must away now and do some blog reading.

Happy  Stitching 

Hugs. Maria 🌷

Thursday, May 2, 2024

May Challenge is

So when I checked my list I see it’s a bag. I don’t need another bag so I’ve decided to swap it . As I need to make a few baby quilts for gifts thought it would be fun to play with these. I’m thinking maybe a simple Fence and Rail quilt.??

Thanks Deana for keeping the fun going with our challenge…

Must away now and do some cutting.

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs Maria 🩷