It’s always good to join in with
Cheryll for
FnwFs because I seem to get something organised to work on. Earlier in the week I found a pile of ugly Kaffe jelly roll strips I wanted to use to make a Table runner for my No 6 in Deana’s “Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge “
But first I needed to service my machine and pop a new needle in.
Then I joined some wadding and two pieces of fabric which I was using for the backing as I was doing a QAYG method for the runner.
As I’d made an early start it didn’t take long to finish the top and sew on the binding but it just didn’t quiet met .🤯
So I undid it and then gave the binding a little tug all the way round and then it was fine….
TAA DA! No 6 of the challenge complete…..
Not the most favourite thing I’ve made but it’s done… Do I now also make a bag??
Must away and check out what others have done
Hugs. Maria 💖