
Sunday, August 6, 2023

FnwFs and RSC for August

Even though Cheryll away on holidays she still gets us together for FnwFs and I decided to go through my stash and get out some yellows for Angela's RSC . 

My "I Spy" Block.....

Not happy with the colour of the photo. I took lots, even waited to do the post till this morning so I could take some photos outside. Still not the right colour yellow. Will have to do.

Also made the smaller 3 1/2" X 5 1/2" blocks .

Must away and organise some things to go into my project box for retreat.

Happy Stitching 

Hugs  Maria ❤


  1. Nice to get your yellow blocks out of the way, looking good. xx

  2. You've made a great start on your yellow RSC blocks.

  3. Some lovely yellow scrap blocks there.

  4. some colours just don't seem to photograph true to colour.... well done with all your blocks...

  5. Lovely blocks Maria. Mine didn't photograph well either.

  6. Great use of your Yellows, Maria :-)

  7. Yellow is a color you don't see much used for quilts. I like it, it's like a bit of sunshine.

  8. You made some nice blocks with yellow, Maria. Hope you have fun at the retreat.

  9. I'm finally sitting at my desktop computer, so can comment on your blog. My iPad won't let me into your comments section. The Laundry Basket Quilt looks so very, very good. You must be delighted and relieved to have it completed. The Zoo quilt is also looking great. This month's RSC blocks turned out well. I love those Tilda fabrics and can't wait to see what you create with them.

  10. Good job on the yellow RSC - I haven't been brave enough to look yet!

  11. Yellow is such a happy colour, looks great


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