
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Zoom GTG

Today  I joined Chooky for a Zoom GTG with the Chookshed Stitchers for awhile .Sadly my internet kept dropping out but I was on long enough to join in to Deana's Challenge.

We are to list 10 projects we would like to work on and Deana will pick a number on the first of the month that we are to work on each month and post our progress .

This is my List which I may change before the 1st Jan 2024.

                                               1. Baby Hexagon Quilt.



2. Make up RSC Blocks

3. Judy’s Ready, Set and Sew Kit.

 4. Start a new Project ????


    5. La Passacaglia EEP

                                                                      6. Make a Bag.???

7. My 70th Birthday Gift. ( had it for 5years now)

8. A Christmas Stitchery.


9. The Table Topper

10. Stitching Circle Basket.

I’m hoping by joining in this challenge that it will motivate me . Thanks  Deana for organising us.

Must away now and get to bed.

Happy Stitching 🧵 

Hugs 🤗 Maria 💖



Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Happy Christmas 🎄

             Wishing all my blogging friends and family a Very Happy and Safe Christmas 🤶 

And all the Best Wishes for 2024

                                                          Hugs 🤗 Maria 💖

Monday, December 18, 2023

Last FNSI for 2023

I always enjoy joining Wendy and for the last one I went into the cupboard and found the fabrics needed the Aussie Hero blocks and cut out the strips ready to sew.


Later in the evening I sat and did some more EPPing on my La Passacaglia and finished the row/ circle.

Now to get the next row ready to sew on.

Thank you Wendy for keeping us enjoying our FNSIs … Happy Christmas 🤶 to all …

Must away now and visit some blogs,

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs Maria 💖

Friday, December 8, 2023

Not Happy 😡

I really can’t believe that my internet has dropped out AGAIN…… hot spotting again.

During the week I managed to make two small quilts to add to the others Helen is taking to Perth Children’s Hospital on Sunday.

They use this size to put on top of the humi cribs so I think I’ll make a few more.

In the evenings I’ve been hand sewing the hexies together and making the next set of EPPs for La Passacaglia.

Must away now and do some tidying in the Cave.

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs. Maria ❤️

Saturday, December 2, 2023

FnwFs for December..

WOW ! December already and it was time to join Cheryll for FnwFs for the last time this year… I always enjoy these evenings as I seem to get organised and get something done. 
So a huge thank you Cheryll for keeping us on track all year even when you’re away on your trips.

Last night I sewed on a scrappy binding on my RSC “I Spy “ blocks and completed the quilt ready to be taken to Perth Children’s Hospital next week.

Then later in the evening I sat and stitched some hexies together from my long term project 

 Must away now and visit others to see what they have done HERE before I go to croquet.

Wishing all the FnwFs a Happy Safe Christmas 🎄 

Happy Stitching 🧵,

Hugs Maria 💖

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I’ve got no internet 🛜 so will do a post on my iPad by hot spotting from my phone…. 

Been doing some more on La Passacaglia and now I’m trying to decide on fabrics for the row after the yellow? 
Which green????
The row after the green will be a star with the pink one in the centre and green lattice as the diamond. ♦️ 

I really need to get back to quilting the RSC “ I Spy “ ready to be donated to the Children’s Hospital. 
But as you can see I got side tracked again. Was looking for some red ticking (for another project. 🤔) I came across this very long time UFO.A box of hexies. So now I’m playing with them. 

Do we all work on multiple projects at once??

Must away now and put on the kettle for a cuppa.

Hugs. Maria 💖

Sunday, November 19, 2023

FNSI for November.

Last night I joined Wendy and friends for FNSI and did the quilting on my table runner.

It’s the second one made for the left overs of  “ Chain Links “.

Then I sat and did some hand stitching on La Passacaglia 

After a very busy day today playing croquet and then sewing in the evening with friends I 
Must away now and go to bed…

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs 🤗. Maria 💖

Monday, November 13, 2023


I'm back.....I've had no internet since Oct 26th. Finally, today a technician came and sorted out the problem and I'm back online....

So now I can show you what I've been up to . 

Sewing Christmas Pillowcases for " Kids in Oncology "  


Aussie Hero Blocks for November..

put together another table runner from left over Chain Link blocks.

In the evenings I enjoy sitting and doing some hand sewing on La Passacaglia.

Decided to put all my blocks on the design board and was surprised how much it's growing. 

Poor Lacy was scratching so much I made her little socks till the injection she had stopped the itching.... 

Must away now and make a cuppa so I can catch up on some blog reading.

Happy Stitching .

Hugs  Maria  ❤️

Friday, October 27, 2023

FNSI for October and retreat

I’m hoping this post works as I’ve been without internet , apparently my Modem is too old so waiting for a new one. Just hotspotting on my phone…..

Had a great time away in Perth visiting family before going to retreat. On Friday night I enjoyed sewing along with Wendy and ladies for FNSI and made two pillow cases for “ Kids in Oncology “ 

For the rest of the weekend I completed a table runner from the left overs of “Chain Links” 

Put my “I Spy “ RSC blocks together .
Sorry forgot to take photo. 

And also completely put together this cute Baby Quilt .

And since I got home I’ve finally made my “Aussie Hero” blocks for October.

Okay Must away now and press publish fingers crossed 🤞.

Happy Stitching ,

Hugs. Maria 💖


Friday, October 13, 2023


week has flown by and I've been busy sorting projects to take to retreat next week.

but I did sit and do some hand sewing in the evenings and got another La Passacaglia block done.
and in the middle of the mess on the table I got another block ready to pop in the retreat box as well as cut out four pillowcases for    "Pillowcases for Oncology Kids" 

Today I FINALLY threaded the overlocker to finish off these four boys ones . Now to cut out some for girls...

Must away now and have a cuppa.

Happy stitching ,

Hugs Maria ❤

Saturday, October 7, 2023

FnwFs for October 2023

I enjoy my FnwFs as I always get organised and get things done.   After our Quilt Hanging  I put together a Churn Dash Lap quilt which I've made for a friend's special "0" BD and took it to my longarm quilter . It was delivered to me on Thursday so yesterday I prepared the bindings for it and also for a baby quilt,


then I quilted the simple fence and rail baby quilt by cross hatching in a serpintine stitch.

After dinner I sewed the binding on the "Churn Dash" 


and the Baby Quilt

A big thank you to Cheryll for getting us together as I had a great afternoon and evening sewing along with my virtual friend. Don't forget to pop over HERE to see what others have done....

Must away now and get ready for croquet...

Happy stitching 

Hugs  Maria ❤

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Some photos of the Hanging and don't forget to sign up for FnwFs.

 I went to Patch today for our General Meeting after the quilt hanging and received a USB with some more photos. . These give you the idea of the size of the Rec Centre and how many quilts we hung. Also a few favorites at the end.


If you stayed till the end thank you and don't forget to sign up for FnwFs. Even though Cheryll is away she has kindly put up the link for us to join in.

Must away and bring in the washing.

Happy Stitching.

Hugs  Maria ❤

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Been busy on the Block.

After our Quilt Show Hubby went off for a 10 day bloke's trip and you'd think I'd have a chance to kick back and relax NO I find I enjoy hooking up our flatbed trailer onto the quad and do some cleaning up on the block. 


I did a couple of loads each day. Before hubby left, he trimmed branches off the gums which I also picked up. I know you think I'm weird, but I enjoy this job.😊 

There was a pot plant on the patio that was really overgrown I wanted to separate; it was a tricky job because I didn't want to break the lovely pot. 

You can see why it was so hard to get out. The plant has now been repotted into this pot and into two others to give away.

I also got the chance to revarnish Hubby's outside chair,

and repurpose some old curtains into new cushion covers.....

would you believe Hubby didn't even notice when he got home!

BUT it wasn't all work and no play. I did enjoy listening to some lovely audio books while doing  sewing.

there are 15 of Josephines audio books and I now only have one more to listen to . 
I have shed many tears as I listen to her stories, I do reamend them.

When I had finished making Chain Links there were loads of scraps and as it's Tilda fabric decided I had to sew these tiny bits together. 


I think they'll make a couple of placemats and pot holders...

1 3/3" X 3" 

Some Aussie Hero Blocks for Sept.. 

and my take on this month's RSC "I Spy" block .As well as some secret sewing....

Thanks for hanging in till the end but I 

Must away now and organise some dinner....

Happy Stitching.

Hugs  Maria.