
Friday, October 10, 2014

Blocks, Stars and Pumpkins!!

I had planned to go for a walk along the beach this morning but when I woke and looked out the window it was grey, overcast and drizzling.
Sew though it was a great day to stay in and get my Swap Blocks done and work on Terry's Stars but everything seamed to go wrong..

First this happened after I put in a new blade


then I sewed the 2 1/2” block on the back of star


and I had to do some reverse sewing after I took a photo and sew this.……


Thankfully all went well after that and I completed the blocks


One lady asked for “Girly Fabrics” in any pattern block and the other requested “Pinwheels in Pastels”.  I think I covered both..


and my  Stars.


this is the Halloween Block I made and sent ?????

Halloween Block

When I collected the mail this  gorgeous Autumn postcard arrived from Tina. we both participated in  Sheila's Postcard Swap..



and look at the lovely stitchery on the back. Thank you to both ladies.. I love to make and receive these little works of art.

The Barn Block was made for Sue in our Bee Swap….


nice one ah Ellyn!!

Well it is now well after midnight and time for me to say Goodnight…

Hugz  Maria Smile


  1. Sorry about the oopsies! Looks like you have everything under control now. I love your barn block. And I need to get started on my stars today, now that we're home from vacation. How many do you have finished?

  2. LOL, don't you just love the christmas stamp? That is all the post office had for my "fall" postcard.

  3. I'm glad to see someone else sews like I do at times! I'm also glad you were able to fix things and get them right!

  4. The block looked great in the end, Maria. You had a busy day and managed to get quite a bit done.

  5. So glad you weren't put off by the shaky start because you achieved so much. Well done.

  6. Glad it all worked out - very pretty.

  7. Lovely blocks. Cute postcard. Hugs,xx

  8. I love all of them but oh yes, the barn is lovely! nice job my friend!

  9. Your star blocks look great! I love that barn too! :0)

  10. Its a block party at your place... and every good party has a slip up....

  11. Wow... you've been busy Maria.
    Some days are just like that aren't they... but all worked out in the end! EnJoY your day! :)

  12. I'm sew glad it wasn't your finger the rotary got.
    You stuck with it and achieved a lot. Well done

  13. Well you did have a very productive day... at first I was thinking ''what time did you get up'' but then I realised the posting day on blogland is behind hahahaha xxx

  14. glad you weren't put off by the hiccups.
    The blocks look great, loving the barn block.
    so much detail on your postcard. Wonder what the mail service thinks when they see these works of art?

  15. Drats to the Reverse Sewing, Maria! Good thing you mucked up the fabric & not your finger with that new blade!
    All the blocks look fab, lovely sewing there x

  16. I have days like that too, Maria. Sheesh! The pastel pinwheels are wonderful and I really like those stars.

    Cute Halloween design and postcard.

  17. You have been busy, lots of lovely blocks even if the start was a bit slow!! :)

  18. We all have days like that Maria. Wonderful blocks and great postcard from Tina , thanks to both of you for participating . Hugs Sheila

  19. Oh it is so icky to have one of "those" days, glad it didn't stay around all day :) Your blocks are lovely and definitely meet the brief :) Such a cute Halloween block! And your charming stars are zooming along :)


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