I nearly forgot to do my post for OPAM this month. With several trips to the big smoke this month I only have two finishes I can show you. Made a few more but they are secret.
I am very happy with my “Scrappy Round the World” and you can see my other little finish HERE. Thanks to Kris and Peg for their help keeping me on track.
Now I am ready to join in the fun with Chooky for her Shed”s 2nd Birthday.
Couldn't join in earlier as Lacy and I had some work to do on the block.
It was lovely catching up with the ladies at the Craft Fair on Saturday after a busy few days in Perth. Nice photo of us with our new friend Lisa, Tracee, my DD Sandra, Anthea, me,Tracy with the cute Miss M and our Julia having coffee before going into to the show.
there are always sew many beautiful quilts to see sew will only show you some of my favourites…
WOW! all 1 1/2” squares… Looks like 100s and 1000s.
this years challenge was “10” and I really loved some of the ideas folk use and the quilting is amazing. Shame you cant see all the detail in photos.
“Hang Ten”
“Ten Birds”
“Ten Houses”
“Ten Skittles” No wonder it got a Blue Ribbon as it was just fabulous…..
I was the last of the big spenders only buying
some small “Dresden Plate” papers for a challenge I joined. Pretty Threads from “Cottage Garden” and some Spots or are they Dots for my Owls….. I am sure my other bloggy friends made up for the lack of my spending….
You can go HERE to join in or see what others have made. thanks Anthea for keeping us on track with our Christmas Gifts.
Oh!!! and don't forget our West Aussie GTG on Saturday Ladies.. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Craft Show. Meeting in Foyer for cuppa and chat at 9am. you can click on the flag on top left of my blog to learn more. Hugz Maria
and then played around quilting it. Was nice to get back in the swing of sewing..
Thanks Wendy for organising us again this month. I will visit others here to see what they have sewn …
Tomorrow and Sunday our Patch Group is having a two day workshop called “Hot Quilts from Cold Scraps” with Alison Schwabe. I have a nice big box of scraps to take along. These are samples of what we hope to learn...
I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day sew I decided it was time to find my mojo for patchwork …
I just don’t seam to be able to find anything that inspires me to go hunting in my stash for an interesting project…
have been busy making these for our “Little Humpy”. Our 37 year old caravan… That badly needs a facelift.
and I have worked on a few secret sewing projects too…
BUT the joy seams to have gone out of sewing…. Has anyone out there got my MOJO ???????? I would really like to find it.. I will go to Patch this morning and see if I left it there…