
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Done and dusted.

I spent most of this week in the Cave and got my Fish blocks for RSC with Angela done as well as my 

I took a photo of this fella several times but background fabric isn’t true to colour?? 

After seeing Janice’s Split Nine Patch blocks I decided to make some of these for my Second RSC blocks

And here’s my completed # 2 Chookshed Challenge

Even though I have done my challenges for March I have plenty to work like the Aussie Hero blocks, an Easter ๐Ÿฃ Placemat for my GGS ,the Temperature Tree etc ………..

Must away now ,tidy the Cave and get showered ready for bed…..

Stay safe all,

Hugs.  Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Friday, February 28, 2025

March Challenge No..

For March Chookshed Challenge the number Deana has chosen is # 2…. For me that’s to work on my La Passacaglia blocks .

I may swap it for a different number or do some work on them and also try to play with another project ?

Must away and pop on the kettle for a cuppa.

Happy stitching ๐Ÿงต 

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Thursday, February 27, 2025

# 10 Chookshed Challenge….

I’m joining in for the Chookshed Challenge again this year organised by Deana and for February she drew out # 10… For me that was Lynette Anderson’s “ It’s a Dogs Life” . I had only completed block 1 years ago so I’m pleased that now it is a flimsy……

I still need to stitch detail on the cats and dogs faces , stems and leaves on the flowers then sandwich and quilt to finish it…

How did you all go with your # 10 ??  And I wonder what the No will be for March ?? 

Happy stitching,

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, February 22, 2025

FNSI for February

As I’m in the big smoke visiting I only manage to join in for FNSI with Wendy in the evening while chatting with my DD and add some leaves to my Temperature Tree ..

While my DD did some Nailbinding finishing Viking socks.๐Ÿงฆ 

Must away as my pancakes ๐Ÿฅž are ready for breakfast….

Happy stitching ๐Ÿงต 

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Sunday, February 16, 2025

#10 Chookshed Challenge update……

After hunting through draws, boxes and my cupboard I finally found # 1 of  “ It’s A Dogs Life “ pattern . 
So was able to add the side borders. I think I need to add some brown spots on the dog??๐Ÿถ 

Then onto #2 …. 

It still needs some more details added and I’m not sure if I like the black  and white cat.๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ ?๐Ÿˆ……. 

Now to clean up the mess I made looking for the pattern…..

Thanks Deana for pushing me along with this one because if it wasn’t for the challenge it would not be done! 

Must away and get organised.

Happy stitching 

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, February 8, 2025

FnwFs ,RSC and # 10 Chookshed Challenge

Yesterday was the first Friday of the month so time to join Cheryll and friends for FnwFs and I stitched some leaves ๐Ÿ‚ on my Temperature Tree in the evening.

Earlier in the afternoon I make two blue fish for RSC..

And also make some progress on my # 10 for Chookshed Challenge

Must away and read some posts

Happy Stitching, 
Hugs Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Challenge No for February

As it’s the first of February Deana has spun # 10 for our Chookshed Challenge this month….

This is my # 10… Lynette Anderson’s 
“ It’s a Dogs Life “ 

It’s one I’ve had for years so be good to work on it.

After hunting through my cupboard, draws and boxes finally found most of the patterns but not the first month. Looks like its nearly done so will start on 2.. 

Also last night I stitched the last leaf for January on my Temperature Tree.

Oh! As BLUE is the colour for this month’s RSC must dig out some blue fabrics to make my Fish.๐ŸŸ but now

Must away as that washing machine is calling.

Have a lovely weekend,

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Thursday, January 30, 2025


FINALLY it’s the end of the month and I can clean up the Cave and look forward to a new No for Chookshed Challenge …. 


For January it was #6 and mine was “Wanderer’s Wife “

It was definitely a challenge for me and I’m pleased to have 7 of the 10 sections done so for now I’ll pack it away…..

It was nice to sit and relax in the evenings and work on my cross stitch Temperature Tree .

Must away and pick up my car …

Happy Stitching 

Hugs Maria ๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, January 18, 2025

FNSI for January

As it was the third Friday of the month ( already) I joined Wendy for FNSI and had an early start working on my #6 Chookshed Challenge for awhile.

Then I sorted my threads for the Temperature Tree ready to stitch after dinner.

I need to buy more colours for the leaves so did some more branches 

Next I appliquรฉd my pink fish which was the colour for this month’s RSC with Angela before calling it a night .

Huge thank to the three ladies for organising the challenges to keep me busy in the cave….

Must away and hang some washing. 

Happy stitching.

Hugs Maria. ๐Ÿ’–

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

#6 and the Temperature Tree.

#6 is the number for Chookshed Challenge this month.  Wanderer’s Wife is mine…I had cut the strips and some blocks ready to make up at our retreat last August .

I soon discovered the pattern was hard to follow so it was packed away that’s why it went on the challenge list.

This pattern is really doing my head in as this what you follow to make each section, there’s no block names or sizes so I need to keep looking at the picture on the inside cover to check what I need to sew.

This is as far as I’ve worked on it.

I took a brake from #6 and to make a slip cover that hubby had asked for to pop over the car seat so Lacy doesn’t get sand on it when going to the beach…

After reading Susan’s post about her new project I decided to join in to make the Temperature Tree.  It is lovely to sit in the evening and relax while I stitch…..I’m also going to add the leaves on FNSI and FnwFs.

Must away now and get some shut eye.

Happy stitching ๐Ÿงต 

Hugs Maria .

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Last year Deana started the Chookshed Challenge . We make a list of 10 projects and each month Deana draws a No we need to work on. I find I work well when I get a gentle push to work on or complete a project.I’m pleased she’s getting us together again for 2025 for the challenge.

Here is my list.

1. Quilt Hubby’s Quilt…..
2. Work on La Passacaglia blocks.
3. Make RSC Log Cabin into flimsy.
4. Quilt Jude’s Ready Set Go top.
5. Hexie Purse.
6.Wanderers Wife blocks.
7. Make some progress on Anni Down’s BOM 
“ Sunshine and Lollipops “
8. Join RSC Dragon blocks.
9. Make a Charm Pack into a quilt.
10. Lynette Anderson’s “ A Dogs Life “

The next challenge I join each month is the RSC with Angela… it’s fun to go through my stash find the colour that Angela picks each month.
Pink is the colour for January.

Time to make my Chookshed Challenge list and collect my pinks and decide on my block for RSC

Happy Stitching 

Hugs. Maria ๐Ÿ’–