
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Finishes for April

Firstly is my # 9 Chookshed Challenge , a Table Topper by Hatched and Patched 

The scollops were a little tricky to get but I’m happy with them now..Wonder what No Deana will have for us tomorrow?

One of my bobbing friends has two grandchildren expecting so I’ve make one baby quilt so far . 

Some time ago my DD gave me the fabric I used for the border and backing with giraffes 🦒 on so thought this was a great pattern to make.

Then I decided to go through some of my boxes on the shelf with smaller bits of fabric in and worked with these.

I have make three small “ Quilts of Love”

I was happy to use up the smaller blocks and nearly empty another box.

I see Angela has chosen PINK for this month’s RSC colour so 

Must away and check my stash for pinks.

Happy stitching

Hugs. Maria 💖

Friday, April 19, 2024

FNSI for April

The weeks just fly by and before we realise it’s the third Friday of the month and time to join the lovely Wendy and friends for FNSI.. 

I spent some time working on my # 9 Chookshed Challenge by sewing the scallops for the table topper.

Then I downloaded block 16 of the Laundry Basket Birthday SAL. Picked the fabrics and got it done.

block 16.

I realised I hadn’t posted block 15 

Finally decided on the fabrics to use for the extra block released for Valentines Day and got it made .

This evening I sat and did some hand sewing on another La Passacaglia block and I have another block to post that I completed over the last week.

Thank you  Wendy for a fun night and you can pop over HERE to see what others have done.

Must away and get some shut eye.

Happy Stitching 🧵 

Hugs. Maria ❤️

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Making a Start

On my #9 challenge for Chookshed Challenge organised by Deana

I’ve traced some of the small templates on the right side ready to cut and sew 🧵. Then I need to join the pieces of wadding together ready to cut to put between the top and backing….

So good to have this challenge so I get some long awaited projects done thanks to Deana.

Must away now and get ready for my exercise session. 😟

Happy stitching.

Hugs 🤗. Maria 🌷

Saturday, April 6, 2024

FnwFs for April.

I had a lovely evening of sewing along not only with Cheryll and friends for FnwFs but also joined some of my sewing friends here too. 

I worked on the final border of another La Passacaglia block 

And was able to get it sewn on.

Then I spent time auditioning fabrics for the next block.

It’s not the best photo as the colours are brighter.
Now to cut and glue the next pieces.

Thank you Cheryll for get us together and you can pop over HERE to see what others have done.

Must away and do some post reading.

Happy Stitching 🧵 

Hugs Maria 🌷

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Before starting

Which is a “ Table Topper “.

 I’ve decided to first make my 
RSC blocks . Yellow being this months colour….

Log cabin block.

The little yellow dragon….

Also made Laundry Basket Birthday blocks 13 and 14.

Still working on the “Aussie Hero “ blocks but 

Must away to bring in the washing.

Happy  Stitching🧵 

Hugs Maria 💖