
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Wishing Everyone a Happy Christmas 🎄

And wishing you all the best for 2025.

Hugs.  Maria 💖

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Last FNSI for 2024.

I enjoyed joining in for the last FNSI for 2024 with Wendy and friends online in the afternoon and sewed the backing for hubby’s quilt together.


And in the evening I went to Patch and had a Christmas 🎄 get together with a few friends and got the quilt sandwiched and pinned. Do hope there’s enough pins as I have three quilts in a queue also needing quilting! 

When I returned home I sat and completed this La Passacaglia block.

Big thank you to  Wendy for keeping FNSI going this year.

Must away pop on the kettle for a cuppa while read some posts.

Happy stitching 

Hugs. Maria 🤶

Saturday, December 7, 2024

FnwFs for December

Last night for FnwFs I hemmed  and threaded elastic round a new Christmas tablecloth for the outside table.

It’s starting to look like Christmas!🎄 

And I finished the Christmas skirt for my GD2.

A great FnwFs and now I’ve all my gifts done for our early Christmas next weekend. 

Must away now and get some decorations up…

Happy stitching 

Hugs Maria 🤶

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Time to catch up.

Nearly four weeks ago I decided that quilows would be great Christmas gifts for the four GGC so off to Geraldton to get suitable fabrics. These are the ones I purchased.

I managed to make two and cut the rest out ready to sew before going to Perth.
On our way we decided to go to Carnamah to see the small towns new tourist attraction. The Worlds Biggest Tractor 

It was worth the detour to see it.

Hubby and Lacy dwarfed under it

We needed to be away for 10 days so I spent time cutting out fabrics , in my DD2 craft room, for a Christmas skirt for GD 2 with the help of my assistant . NOT!

Got them sorted and she’s back and not listening !

Finally managed to to get some sewn together but when I turned around Lacy was back…….

I did finally get it all together ( after closing the door ) ready to sandwich, pin and quilt on my return.

I also joined in for FnwFs ( last week) and you can see what I made in the previous post.

It was great to be home again and I spent Saturday sewing catching up with my Laundry Basket blocks

Five done ! 

Just when I thought I’d caught up another is waiting for me.

Delighted to have make these tiny stockings for my two daughters and four eldest GC, 

Santa will pop some $$$ in each too! 

Onto Sunday and Monday and I completed the Quilows.

And just in time before I was knocked down with a terrible coughing virus that’s taken over a week to go. Will spend time quilting the Christmas skirt then sew on the binding for by tomorrow..

Must away now and write some cards,

Happy Stitching 🧵 

Hugs  Maria 💖

Saturday, November 16, 2024

FNSI for November

The third Friday of the month come round so quickly again and I joined in for FNSI with my DD while in Perth. I stitched a small block for Sunhine and Lolliepops BOM 

also spent some time glueing some EPPing for La Passacaglia 

While my DD cut out all the blocks and got them sewn together for a baby quilt.

I’ll enjoy visiting others to see what they made for FNSI, 

Must away and got shopping 

Happy Stitching

Hugs Maria 💖

Monday, November 11, 2024

Monday, November 4, 2024

Chookshed Challenge final link up for 2024.

On a Zoom meeting at the end of last year Deana challenged us to join in a challenge by listing 10 projects. Starting January 2024 Deana draw a No for us to work on each month to October 2024. 
Now it’s time to do a Chookshed Challenge Link Up 

January was # 6 . ✔️

 On my list was a Bag but as I had many bags I changed it to a Tablerunner.

February was # 2. ✔️
It was to make up my RSC blocks from 2023 

March was # 4 ✔️

Start a new project . So I cut the blocks for “Wanderers  Wife “ 

April was # 9  ✔️.            Christmas Table Topper by Hatched and Patched.

May was # 5….✔️

For me it was to work on La Passacaglia but I needed to make a Baby quilt so that’s what I changed it too.

June was # 10.  ✅ 
Stitchery Circle Basket. 

Boy was it a challenge. I enjoyed doing the wee hexies and the stitchery, of which I had done but putting it together was hard . So happy to have completed and gifted to my GD 2

  July was # 1

Hexie Baby Quilt.

These were made while travelling around Aussie and I had most sewn together into sets of four so for this month I just wanted all exiles made into a flimsy. ✔️

Maybe this will go on next years list??

August # 3 

Jude’s “Ready Set Go” kit .

Got it together , sandwiched , pinned ready to quilt✔️

September # 7…✔️

My 70th birthday gift. 

Appliquéd , pinned , sandwiched and ready to quilt…..

Last but not least is 
October # 8 

Christmas Stitchery.

I had done about half and I enjoyed finishing by stitching in the evening watching Tele.

A huge thank you to Deana for organising the challenge and I look forward to joining in again next year..

Happy stitching 

Hugs Maria. 💖

Saturday, November 2, 2024

FnwFs for November

As the first Friday of the month has rolled around again it’s time to join. Cheryll and friends for. FnwFs. I made an early start (before hubby had an appointment) doing some stitching ready to sew onto a cute pouch ( when I make the hexies !)

Then after hubby’s appointment I worked on hand sewing two more La Passacaglia blocks and later glued heaps of the tiny bits to put around the next row.
I’ll be visiting others HERE over the weekend to see what they did last night. Thanks Cheryll for another great day/ night of  crafting.

Happy stitching 

Hugs. Maria 💖

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Catching up.

First I want to post my last Chookshed Challenge #8 …..Thank you so much Deana because of you organising this challenge I have either completed or put together 10 long awaited projects.this year. 👍

Over the past few weeks we’ve made several trips to Perth for hubby’s medical appointments. I was happy we were home the weekend our group had a Stay at Home Retreat.( I really needed that).

Packed ready to go….

As you can see my La Passacaglia is in my project box and I did nearly complete the block while chatting to ladies when I needed a break from the machine.

Was delighted to get these troublesome critters together ( I think I had to do some unpicking on each of them 🥲) but they are done and gifted .

This week I’ve put “ Well Travelled “ together but I think I’ll add borders to make big enough for hubby to use on his recliner ??

Today I’ve been busy getting organised so I have some hand work to play with while in Perth for several weeks.

Okay , after uploading photos many times and trying to make them the right size and where I’d like them I’m giving up. What’s up with blogger.?????

Happy Stitching 

Hugs Maria 💖



Saturday, October 19, 2024

FNSI for October

I’ll do a post for FNSI and later in the week must do a catch up one.

Last night I worked on hubby’s quilt “ Well Travelled” 

And completed Laundry Basket Birthday blocks 
41 and 42

Here are blocks 39 and 40 I did earlier….

Thank you Wendy for another great FNSI.

Must away now and do some outside work while it’s a lovely sunny day.

Happy Stitchings

Hugs. Maria 💖

Friday, October 4, 2024

FnwFs for October…..

Really , October already . Time to join Cheryll for FnwFs…. It’s always a good time to catch up on my monthly blocks so I got the ones for Aussie Hero's cut out, 

But I got side tracked and played with the baby quilt I’m making. 

Can you see what I did wrong on this bunny??

Poor bunny , I put his month and nose the wrong way so after some unpicking and re- sewing all done….

On to another block and I mucked up again…..This time the poor Owl was made cross eyed….

More unpicking and putting the Owl together and I’ve given up for the night. 

Hope others had more success with what they worked on for FnwFs. Thank you Cheryll for organising us….

Happy Stitching 

Hugs.  Maria 💖