
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Zoom GTG

Today  I joined Chooky for a Zoom GTG with the Chookshed Stitchers for awhile .Sadly my internet kept dropping out but I was on long enough to join in to Deana's Challenge.

We are to list 10 projects we would like to work on and Deana will pick a number on the first of the month that we are to work on each month and post our progress .

This is my List which I may change before the 1st Jan 2024.

                                               1. Baby Hexagon Quilt.



2. Make up RSC Blocks

3. Judy’s Ready, Set and Sew Kit.

 4. Start a new Project ????


    5. La Passacaglia EEP

                                                                      6. Make a Bag.???

7. My 70th Birthday Gift. ( had it for 5years now)

8. A Christmas Stitchery.


9. The Table Topper

10. Stitching Circle Basket.

I’m hoping by joining in this challenge that it will motivate me . Thanks  Deana for organising us.

Must away now and get to bed.

Happy Stitching 🧵 

Hugs 🤗 Maria 💖



Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Happy Christmas 🎄

             Wishing all my blogging friends and family a Very Happy and Safe Christmas 🤶 

And all the Best Wishes for 2024

                                                          Hugs 🤗 Maria 💖

Monday, December 18, 2023

Last FNSI for 2023

I always enjoy joining Wendy and for the last one I went into the cupboard and found the fabrics needed the Aussie Hero blocks and cut out the strips ready to sew.


Later in the evening I sat and did some more EPPing on my La Passacaglia and finished the row/ circle.

Now to get the next row ready to sew on.

Thank you Wendy for keeping us enjoying our FNSIs … Happy Christmas 🤶 to all …

Must away now and visit some blogs,

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs Maria 💖

Friday, December 8, 2023

Not Happy 😡

I really can’t believe that my internet has dropped out AGAIN…… hot spotting again.

During the week I managed to make two small quilts to add to the others Helen is taking to Perth Children’s Hospital on Sunday.

They use this size to put on top of the humi cribs so I think I’ll make a few more.

In the evenings I’ve been hand sewing the hexies together and making the next set of EPPs for La Passacaglia.

Must away now and do some tidying in the Cave.

Happy stitching 🧵 

Hugs. Maria ❤️

Saturday, December 2, 2023

FnwFs for December..

WOW ! December already and it was time to join Cheryll for FnwFs for the last time this year… I always enjoy these evenings as I seem to get organised and get something done. 
So a huge thank you Cheryll for keeping us on track all year even when you’re away on your trips.

Last night I sewed on a scrappy binding on my RSC “I Spy “ blocks and completed the quilt ready to be taken to Perth Children’s Hospital next week.

Then later in the evening I sat and stitched some hexies together from my long term project 

 Must away now and visit others to see what they have done HERE before I go to croquet.

Wishing all the FnwFs a Happy Safe Christmas 🎄 

Happy Stitching 🧵,

Hugs Maria 💖