
Sunday, April 30, 2017

April OPAM

After my walk and coffee with the ladies I came home to work on finishing "Fabric Fusion" quilt for this month's OPAM..

Going along nicely when I realised the quilt was double and then I needed to do reverse quilting.

after the unpicking and making sure the quilt stays nice and flat I got on with finishing the quilt. Binding and all.

A finish just in time for April OPAM along with the small finishes HERE  Thank you KRIS and PEG

Even though I don't have many complete finishes I have been busy working on "Fernhill" by Lynette Anderson....

and the first block for  "Seaside Town" has arrived sew need to work on it too......

Also I had to catch up with my blocks for " Patchwork Quilt -A- Long "

Still no computer sew this post has taken ages to post on my dear old laptop...I think it will be a new one :(

Happy Stitching..

Hugz  Maria :)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April FNSI

My computer is at the doctors sew I have pulled out my old laptop to post what I did for FNSI with Wendy and 22 other ladies.....

Do you remember when I visited my DD in the Big Smoke a few weeks ago I rescued a bag of lovely scraps !

Well apart from the Scrappy Quilt I am putting together I found these Quilts of Love she had started.
Sew last night I finished making these...

Such tiny little Quilts for very special little ones...

Thank you Wendy for another great night of stitching.. Look forward to seeing what others have made HERE over the next few days...

Happy Stitching

Hugz  Maria :)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy and Safe Easter

Wishing everyone. A Happy and Safe Easter. 🐣🐥🐣🐥🐣

Hugz. Maria 😘

Saturday, April 8, 2017

FnwFs for April....

Even though the lovely Cheryll is away sailing the seas she is still nice enough to put up a Linky for us to sew-a-long with our blogging friends...Thanks Cheryll I hope you are having a great time....

I got an early start working on my Scrappy Quilt and framing the SS Blocks...

Doing lots of " cutting"

"chain piecing"


and pinning ready to sew.

I am making some progress but thought I'd be further along

Seven SS Blocks Framed three more to go and then sewn together..                         

First row of Scrappy Quilt...

I'll sew-a-long tonight with my friends from the Northern Hemisphere and hope to get a lot more done..

Look forward to seeing what everyone has been doing over the next few days..

Happy Stitching

Hugz  Maria :)