It has been a bit a funny month for me with lots of computer issues I seem to have lost my mojo for sewing and posting….
But I did finish the “Cup Cake” quilt ……
and complete the little “Christmas Mini”… Which you can see HERE.
There are two quilts sandwiched and pinned ready for quilting sew I hope to get back in the swing real soon and get them finished for next month OPAM.... Thank you Peg and Kris for keeping me on track....
Look forward to seeing what others have completed this month…
Hugz Maria
At Dawn tomorrow many folk will attend services in remembrance of those fallen in several wars since 1915 and later March to honour them..
“ Lest We Forget”
I would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Easter…
Hop the Easter Bunny leaves you all some nice goodies and you enjoy your long weekend whatever you may be doing…..
Oh! some of you may like to do a little stitching with Wendy and Friends for FNSI
Hugz Maria