I first joined Peg and Kris in 2010 to help me finish projects for our Hanging that year and have enjoyed joining in each year since. It’s hard to believe it’s over three years ago and it’s time for our “Triennial Hanging” again in 10 days. They have helped me finish many projects over that time … Thanks Heaps Ladies,
Have been meaning to post since I arrived home on Monday after visiting my Big sister in Perth for her birthday . Was lovely to spend some time chatting with her. Now I can show you the gift I made for her…
While in the big smoke I also visited my DD and family. I was very spoilt having my dinner cooked every day and my GD even made yummy pancakes for our brekky on Sunday..
We had wild wet windy weather while there but this clever bird keep herself and babies sheltered in a great spot under the patio..
On my return there was some lovely mail on the table waiting for me…
Just love this Bunting Postcard from my blogging friend Sunny…..
As it’s nearly midnight again I must away to bed, goodnight. Hugz Maria
I went to Perth for my Big Sister’s BD and then spend some time with my DD2 and kids. I enjoyed sewing with both my DD and GD for FNSI .
I managed to trace some of my BOMs and stitchery on the light box
and a little stitching.
DD put together two baby quilts
even though she does need to make dance costumes from the bright pink lycra on the table.
and GD sewed away on these pencil cases…
Saturday night we continued sewing after the great AFL game. “Go the Dockers”
DD caught up on some for Aiming 4 Accuracy blocks
while I was doing lesson 13… after sewing some of it together I lost a four patch block. I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it.Couldn’t make another as I had already pieced a small 2” block to have enough..NO!!!! Then I finally found it…
Have been keeping busy making some gifts for two special ladies…
can only show this for now
but I can reveal the top one.
Another of of swimming ladies, no Bobbing friends is moving to the big smoke…Our group is getting smaller and smaller .
Have quilted this,
added the sleeve and now it is on the pile ready for the hanging……
completed Lesson 12 for Aiming 4 Accuracy.
you can see an undated version of my virtual quilt on the top right hand side of my blog thanks to the lovely Helen. and I also received a nice parcel.
My swap block plus some lovely patterns. thank you Carolyn.
I missed posting for OFW last week as my computer was at the doctors. Even though I have an iPad now I still haven’t learnt to do a blog… …. It did give me more time to add another row…. do go over to Karen’s to see more flowers stitched by the ladies.
now I need to make more stepping stones to be able to add another row…..
I received my “Spring” gift from Clare for “Let’s Celebrate Swap”
Look at the beautiful stitching on my door hanger Clare made… Have found the perfect spot to hang it. On the book cabinet with all my Patch books in… thank you Clare, I can see why you want to make one for yourself…