Just a quick post to show you the flower I stitched this week for OFW......
you can pop over to Karen's HERE to sign in and join us..
Hugz Maria
Last night I enjoyed stitching along with my friends for FNSI organised by Heidi and Bobbi.
Finished my Block 4 of my North Pole Quilt-A-Long and also did the two small ones …….
There will be a lot of embellishment to do on this quilt when all the blocks are put together. That’s why the reindeer has no Antlers….
and I am very pleased to say I hand sewed some buttons, hanging sleeve and label on this…
Sorry can’t show you the front as it is my Mini for the Cheryll's Mother's Day Mini Swap.... They are always fun to make..
Must away to bed as it is 1am.
Goodnight or should I say morning. Maria
on over to Heidi’s to sign up for FNSI tonight…….
just click HERE..
Hugz Maria
nearly forgot to post my Flower for OFW with Karen.
I am the first one to sign up, do hope someone else will join me for One Flower Fun….
Have also finished my third stitchery block designed by my friend Ellyn..
Must away to bed now,
Hugz Maria
Had a lovely day with my friend Linda. We went to the markets, had coffee, chatted and enjoyed lunch.
When I got home I worked on my North Pole Quilt-A-Long with Val……….
Block 4 only needs a bit more blanket stitching to complete and later lots of embellishments whe all the blocks are out together....
Last night DH and I went out for tea and afterwards drove down to the beach to watch this gorgeous sunset….
This why I love living here……..
Hugz Maria
Wishing you all a Very Happy St Patrick’s Day….
Luck of the Irish to you....
Hugz Maria
Spent some time in the cave this evening making some Low Calorie Easter Eggs.
Thought they would go well with the usual PJ’s I always give my Grandies for Easter ....
Must go and do some swap sewing now………
Hugz Maria
because I am very busy enjoying a Retreat at Shoalwater by the Sea with my friends from WA Scquilters but wanted to show you want I stitched for FNwFs……
It’s always fun to join Cheryll and my blogger friends for FNwFs.. Catch up again next month....
Bye, I’m off for a coffee and do some more stiching.....