some time ago my DD make a magnificent “Hungry Caterpillar” Quilt for a special little girl. You can see it on her blog HERE. Last time I was in Perth visiting I managed to steal a few pieces for my flower out of her stash.. There are not many of us stitching flowers for "One Flower Wednesday" so do pop over to visit the ladies joining Karen. Maybe you may like to join in too….
This week my friend has come to stay from the big smoke. There hasn’t been much stitching happening because we’ve been busy chatting, laughing going out for coffee/tea, eating cake,
and playing games for hours,
But I did receive my beautiful block from Sharryn for the Aussie Block Swap..
Thank you Sharryn. It goes well with all my others… Must away have brekky and then go for our dip.
Since I have been blogging I often read lovely posts about how “Bloggy Friends”over East have these wonderful Get Togethers. Sew I thought it would be great for the Western Australian Bloggers to have one too.
It is the annual Craft Show in May which would be a good time for us to meet. Venue:- Convention Centre Perth WA. Date:- May 25th 2013. Time:- 9am. We could meet in the foyer,at the entrance and then go to one of the cafe before going into the show. If you would like to meet please leave a comment either here or at Anthea's Hibiscus Stitches. Looking forward to meeting lots of my Blogging friends there.. Hugz Maria
in the mail today… My gift for the Initial Heart Swap. from my partner Kerrie..
Just love my Heart Pincushion with all the beautiful embellishments. Kerrie even pinned on a few extra heart buttons for me……. and look at the yummy chocolates she included… Thank you sew much Kerrie and also to Swap Mum Cheryll for organising another fun swap.
This is the Rug Mug I sent to my partner Anne( No Blog). I forgot to sew on Anne’s button with her Initial on.. Silly me. Sew had to post it to Anne and she stitched it on for me……
and sew….It is over 40 deg Celsius in the shade today.
Sew after my lovely long bob this morning I am not going anywhere but into the cave and sew with the Air Con on…
I have found the fabrics I will use for my 2nd project at SAL.
while in Perth my DD found a lovely range of fabrics on special ( The Orange and Blues ) and has challenged me to a Quilt Off. We both have a 1/2mt of each fabric with 3mts for the backing. We can add ONE solid colour if we wish. Will be interesting to see what we both make…
The other fabrics and cottons just hopped into my bag ???
Yesterday this lovely Cushion Cover and Thread catcher, made out of great sewing fabric, arrived in the mail from Carmen for the “Cushion Swap” that was run by swap Mum Sue. A big thank you to both ladies.
Back with cute heart buttons….
Okay I have had a coffee sew it’s back into the cave. Working on my North Pole block and then some QAYG blocks for Jan at Oz Comfort Quilts. Do pop over to see the great work Jan does..
They are not stitched yet. Wanted to see how they will look…. while my DD at Playing Tiddleywinks finished off the quilting on her Scrappy she started at my place last week. Do pop over and say “Hi”